Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Very interesting post on Tripwire

Very interesting video on a post on Tripwire about Open Source tools that could be used for a variety of things and ways.

This is the link to the Tripwire post - - > LINK

My take away from this is that it's a bit scary the amount of data an individual can gather on someone they don't even know using various methods from search engines to using tools such as the ones mentioned in this video. I can't help but to let my mind wonder into the social engineering concept use of these tools.

Update: I haven't posted in FOREVER. It's partially due to me being lazy, losing interest, life and work. My job is having me relocate which is cool and makes you feel somewhat important. The relocation was and wasn't mandatory. For better opportunity for me to learn more and expand in my carrer and for better company growth I had to move. Hope this move is the right move for me to grow withing the AntHill.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Outlook 2007 Security Alert: The security certificate has expired or is not yet valid.

Havent posted in a while, but life has been a roller coaster to say the least.  Lots of downs not enough ups to balance out.  Deal with it and move on.

Came across this weird and add problem today.  Had a user constantly get a Security Alert(see below) in outlook everytime she opened it.

As you can see I work for Nerv Corp saving the world from Angel(Alien) invasion.

After hours of beatting my head on the table, pulling my hair, Googling different combination of words to try to get new info and everythread that I opened talked about Exchange PowerShell I stumbled across this    - -> LINK <- -

Yes, it's just THAT simple

As you can see from there, her machine thinks it's Dec2009 at 2AM when it was May/2012 at 3PM.  Her time zone was incorrect too.

Fixed date and time and no more Security Cert Alert.