Monday, March 18, 2013

HomeLab Headaches Ep.5

Here we are back at it again

Figured something interesting out, if I mount my external drive using

mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/ExtDrv

I can copy the data out of it that I need and paste it locally, but if I mount using

mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdd1 /mnt/ExtDrv

Which is suppose to help with ntfs permission I can't copy data off of the drive, but I did change the permission on the /mnt/ExtDrv using chmod like this

chmod 755 -R /mnt/ExtDrv

I use as a reference for chmod, they actually have a little table that you can click on what access you want and it will spit out the numeric and symbolic permission codes.
I use to cross-reference for alot of my commands since I don't know too many.  I google what I need done and when -h or --help doesn't give me enough explanation to what the command does I go to  Great site and from year ago or so to now they've added a few more languages like powershell.

So I don't know if it was the chmod that actually gave me the permission to copy data from the external drive or if it was using mount without the -t switch along with ntfs-3g

While I was in the chmod mood, I changed the permission on my iso repository which is /VM_iso_Repo to owner would be root, group vboxusers will have full, read, write and execute access and others only read access.

Changing folder group ownership use chgrp

chgrp -R vboxusers /VM_iso_Repo

Changing folder permission access is as above

chmod -R 774 /VM_iso_Repo

Need to learn how to allow only a group access to a program.

Now I finally spun up the first of many Windows VMs on this machine.

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